New Digital Credential App!

Get ready for BREVapp!
User manual and video tutorial out now!

Interested to learn how to issue your digital credentials by using BREVapp?

Then, don’t miss the 2 new materials to help you guide through our online system!

#1User manual

We are happy to share with you that the BREVapp user manual is now available in two language versions, English and French, for you to consult! Our user-friendly manual has been created by Web2Learn and includes an easy, step-by-step guide on how to make use of the BREVapp system to issue and visualize digital credentials!

BREVET_WP3A6 User manual_EN  /  BREVET_WP3A6 User manual_FR

#2 Video tutorial

To provide a complete guide to BREVapp, Web2Learn has created also a video tutorial in English! 

Check it out here: 

Project coordinator

Universität LiechtensteinFürst-Franz-Josef-Strasse, 9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein