Get ready for BREVapp!
User manual and video tutorial out now!
Interested to learn how to issue your digital credentials by using BREVapp?
Then, don’t miss the 2 new materials to help you guide through our online system!
#1User manual
We are happy to share with you that the BREVapp user manual is now available in two language versions, English and French, for you to consult! Our user-friendly manual has been created by Web2Learn and includes an easy, step-by-step guide on how to make use of the BREVapp system to issue and visualize digital credentials!
BREVET_WP3A6 User manual_EN / BREVET_WP3A6 User manual_FR
#2 Video tutorial
To provide a complete guide to BREVapp, Web2Learn has created also a video tutorial in English!
Check it out here: